Q. How much do drone photos cost? A. Generally speaking, $249 is the average price for drone photos and video of a residential or commercial building. Final price is determined based on location, how long the pilot will be on-site, complexity of the project, and any required FAA pre-flight authorizations which may be required.
Q. Is editing included? A. Basic editing of photos is included in the price quote you receive. Video production editing is available as an add-on.
Q. I have a friend with a drone willing to take photos for me, is that legal? A. Flying drones strickly as a hobby and in uncontrolled airspace does not require an FAA remote pilot license. However, a license is required for all flights which as deemed commercial or public in nature. Any flight that takes photos or videos for any type of marketing, even if no money is exchanged, would require an FAA license. Complete details are available at www.FAADroneZone.com